Saturday, October 22, 2011

Quality Shop!

And now I’ve delved into gas station pizza.  But you guys?  Rules are for chumps.  Portland’s best pizza may not play by the rules.  I needed a snack and some coffee, so I took a break at work and delved into a pizza slice on the side of the road.  This shop is a “Quality” shop, so I was convinced of its worth. 

Smell : Really good, nice, overpowering tomato smell.  Solid.  3.7/5

Appearance : Pretty good!  The cheese pockets were browned in a nice way that gave the appearance of hamburger or something.  Again, not shabby-looking.  3.5/5

Cheese: Didn’t really have the necessary stringy bite, but a nice enough flavor.  3.2/5

Crust:  Ellios/Cafeteria crust.  Too sweet and sugary.  But the levels of thickness were pretty much on.  2/5

Sauce: The sauce was sugary and ketchup-y.  Bad score all around.  I award this sauce no points, and may good have mercy on it’s soul.

Overall experience:  Alright, this is a brief one.  Really, I wasn’t going to grade gas station pizza, but I should expand my repertoire.  Most importantly, it was cold, I was hungry, and a review would justify the 3.44 I spent on it.  But yeah, folks, we probably shouldn’t eat pizza at gas stations.  But we got through it together, and that’s what matters.  So I’m going to give it 1.5 for overall experience.  It gets extra points for structurally being exactly like pizza should be, looking exactly like pizza should look, and smelling exactly like pizza should smell.  But everything else was wrong.

I am so annoyed that I have to do math to prove that this was not that great a pizza.  But I should at least play by those rules.  Okay, here goes.  An average of the individual components bring us to 2.4, plus the overall experience brings it up to 3.9.  Now that you have a number, you know that this is not that great of a pizza.

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